Source code for multirange

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multiranges provides functions operating on multiple range-like objects.

Convenience functions for multiple range-like objects

An elementary package for Python >= 3.3

The code works, but it is not stable: functionality might be added
or reorganized as long as the major version equals 0
(cf., item #4).
Hint: Stability grows quicker when you provide feedback.

multirange is not yet feature complete; most operations involving
multiranges are missing.


This library for Python >= 3.3 provides convenience functions for multiple
range-like objects corresponding to finite sets of consecutive integers.

It has 3 main types of operations:

    * operations involving few range-like objects (a generalization of Python's
      native range objects)
    * operations involving an iterable of range-like objects
      (*range iterables*)
    * operations involving so-called multiranges; we define a *multirange*
      as iterables range-like objects, which have no mutual overlap, which
      are not adjacent, and which are ordered increasingly.

    * Provide operations on multiple instances of *range*
      (disregarding attribute *step*), or any other object having attributes
      *start* and *stop* evaluating to :py:obj:`int`

      .. note::

        Since Python 3.3 :py:obj:`range` objects have the *start*, *stop* and
        *step* attributes.

    * Avoid materializing of ranges as full lists of integers.
      Instead, results are computed from the boundaries (start, stop) only.

    * If not otherwise noted, the functions of this module throw no Exceptions,
      provided they are called with valid parameters.

    * Require Python >= 3.3

In the context of this module we define as a *range* *r* either a native Python
:py:obj:`range` object, or any other object having attributes *start* and
*stop*, which evaluate to :py:obj:`int`.

A range *r* has the meaning of the set of all consecutive integers from r.start
to r.stop - 1. If r.start >= r.stop, this means the empty set.
Note that for negative step values the native Python :py:obj:`range` object
may generate several values, while in our context an empty set may result.
Example: range(0, -10, -1) generates 10 values, while in our context
(step == 1) this entails an empty set of integers.

Ranges often need to be brought to normal form (cf. :func:`normalize`).
By default the normal form is a native :py:obj:`range` object with step == 1,
or None if r.stop <= r.start. Alternatively, in case r.stop > r.start, the
normal form may be any other *generalized range object*, which is obtained
using a non-default value of the *construct* keyword argument in most functions
(see below).

The functions of this module always accept ranges in their normalized form,
and if not otherwise stated, non-normalized ranges are accepted, too.

Two ranges are called *adjacent* if the end (value of the stop attribute) of
one coincides with the beginning (value of the start attribute) of the other.

Generalized range object
When the documentation of this module refers to a *range*, it usually means
a *generalized range object* (or *range-like object*), not just Python's
native :py:obj:`range`.

As *generalized range object* we define an object which can be constructed
using exactly two integer arguments, *start* and *stop*, and which has
attributes *start* and *stop* returning these integer values at any time.
One example is the native :py:obj:`range` object. Here is another very simple

    class MyRange(object):
        def __init__(self, start, stop):
            self.start = start
            self.stop = stop

The main advantage of generalized range objects over native range objects is
that they may have additional structure beyond *start* and *stop* (where the
native range only has a *step* attribute).

Range iterable
The purpose of this module is to ease common operations involving
multiple ranges, more precisely, iterables of ranges. By *range iterable*
we mean an iterable yielding either None or an instance of a generalized
range object.

.. warning::

    Some functions need to sort range iterables, thereby defining
    an intermediate list, so don't expect optimal performance for iterables
    with a large number of items for all functions.

Range iterables are not to be confused with multiranges.

As *multirange* we define a range iterable where the ranges don't
overlap, are not adjacent and are ordered increasingly. A *multirange*
can be obtained from any *range iterable* by using :func:`normalize_multi`.

Usage examples
    >>> import multirange as mr
    >>> print(mr.normalize(range(5, 0)))
    >>> mr.overlap(range(0, 10), range(5, 15))
    range(5, 10)
    >>> mr.is_disjunct([range(8, 10), range(0, 2), range(2, 4)])
    >>> mr.covering_all([range(8, 10), range(0, 2), range(2, 4)])
    range(0, 10)
    >>> mr.contains(range(0, 10), range(0, 5))
    >>> mr.is_covered_by([range(8, 10), range(0, 2)], range(0, 20))
    >>> mr.intermediate(range(10, 15), range(0, 5))
    range(5, 10)
    >>> list(mr.gaps([range(4, 6), range(6, 7), range(8, 10), range(0, 3)]))
    [range(3, 4), range(7, 8)]
    >>> mr.difference(range(1, 9), range(2, 3))
    (range(1, 2), range(3, 9))
    >>> list(mr.normalize_multi([None, range(0, 5), range(5, 7), range(8, 9)]))
    [range(0, 7), range(8, 9)]
    >>> list(mr.difference_one_multi(range(0, 9), [range(-2, 2), range(4, 5)]))
    [range(2, 4), range(5, 9)]

Please consult the unit tests (latest_) for more examples.

.. _latest:


__version__ = (0, 3, 0)

[docs]def normalize(r, construct=range): """ Return an object which is the normalization of range *r*. The normalized range is either None (if r.start >= r.stop), or an object constructed using *construct* with the arguments r.start, r.stop. In case construct == range we try to avoid constructing new objects. """ if r is None: return None if r.stop <= r.start: return None else: if construct == range and isinstance(r, range) and r.step == 1: return r else: return construct(r.start, r.stop)
[docs]def filter_normalize(rs, construct=range): """ Normalize ranges iteratively. Iterate over all ranges in the given range iterable *rs*, yielding normalized ranges """ for r in rs: yield normalize(r, construct=construct)
[docs]def filter_nonempty(rs, invert=False, do_normalize=True, construct=range, with_position=False): """ Filter for non-empty ranges. Iterate over all ranges in the given range iterable *rs* and yield those which are not None after normalization; if *invert* is True, yield those which are None If *do_normalize* is True, yield only normalized non-empty ranges (using the constructor given in *construct* upon normalization); otherwise yield the original range objects. If with_position is True, return 2-tuples consisting of the position of the matching range within *rs* and the matching range. Otherwise yield only the matching range. """ for pos, r in enumerate(rs): n = normalize(r, construct=construct) if (not invert and n is not None) or (invert and n is None): if do_normalize: if with_position: yield pos, n else: yield n else: if with_position: yield pos, r else: yield r
[docs]def equals(r1, r2): """ Check equality of two ranges. Return whether the the two ranges *r1* and *r2* are equal after normalization. Incidental remark: If you have native range objects (being not None) and want to take into account step values, you can use native python equality of ranges; for instance, range(0, 5, -10) == range(0, -5) == range(0). """ n1 = normalize(r1) n2 = normalize(r2) if n1 is None: return n2 is None return n1 == n2
[docs]def filter_equal(rs, r, do_normalize=True, construct=range, with_position=False): """ Filter ranges for equality to a given range. Iterate over all ranges in the given range iterable *rs* and yield those which are equal to range *r* after normalization. If *do_normalize* evaluates to True, then do not return the original items from *rs*, but instead normalized ranges, where the range objects are constructed using *construct*. If *with_position* evalues to True, then yield 2-tuples consisting of an :py:obj:`int` indicating the position of a matching range within *rs* and the range itself. """ n = normalize(r) for pos, r1 in enumerate(rs): n1 = normalize(r1, construct=construct) if (n1 is None and n is None) or \ (n1 is not None and n is not None and n1.start == n.start and n1.stop == n.stop): if with_position: yield pos, (n1 if do_normalize else r1) else: yield (n1 if do_normalize else r1)
[docs]def is_adjacent(r1, r2): """ Check for adjacency of two ranges. Return whether the ranges *r1* and *r2* are adjacent. If *r1* or *r2* is None after normalization, return None instead of a :py:obj:`bool`. """ n1 = normalize(r1) if n1 is None: return None n2 = normalize(r2) if n2 is None: return None l1, m1 = n1.start, n1.stop l2, m2 = n2.start, n2.stop return l1 == m2 or l2 == m1
[docs]def overlap(r1, r2, construct=range): """ Overlap of two ranges. For two ranges *r1* and *r2* return the normalized range corresponding to the intersection ot the sets (of consecutive integers) corresponding to *r1* and *r2* Return a normalized result, which is either None, or an object constructed using *construct*. """ if r1 is None or r1.stop <= r1.start: return None if r2 is None or r2.stop <= r2.start: return None if r1.stop <= r2.start or r2.stop <= r1.start: return None return construct(max(r1.start, r2.start), min(r1.stop, r2.stop))
[docs]def filter_overlap(rs, r, do_normalize=False, construct=range, with_position=False): """ Filter for ranges overlapping with a given range. Iterate over the range iterable *rs*, and yield only those ranges having a non-vanishing overlap with range *r*. Note: Some of the original ranges are yielded, not their overlapping parts. If *do_normalize* evaluates to True, then do not return the original items from *rs*, but instead normalized range objects constructed using *construct*. If *with_position* evalues to True, then yield 2-tuples consisting of an :py:obj:`int` indicating the position of a matching range within *rs* and the range itself. """ for pos, r1 in enumerate(rs): if overlap(r1, r) is not None: if with_position: yield pos, (normalize(r1, construct=construct) if do_normalize else r1) else: yield (normalize(r1, construct=construct) if do_normalize else r1)
[docs]def match_count(rs, r): """ Count matches with a gievn range. Return the number of ranges yielded from iterable *rs*, which have a non-vanishing overlap with range *r*. """ n = 0 for r2 in rs: if overlap(r, r2): n += 1 return n
[docs]def overlap_all(rs, construct=range): """ Overlap of all given ranges. Return the range corresponding to the intersection of the sets of integers corresponding to the ranges obtained from the iterable *rs* Return a normalized result, where the normalized object is constructed using *construct*. """ brk = False o = None for r in rs: if brk is False: o = normalize(r) brk = True else: if o is None: return None o = overlap(o, r) return normalize(o, construct=construct)
[docs]def is_disjunct(rs, assume_ordered_increasingly=False): """ Check for disjointness of all given ranges. Return whether the range iterable *rs* consists of mutually disjunct ranges. If *assume_ordered_increasingly* is True, only direct neighbors (qua iteration order) are checked for non-vanishing overlap. """ if not assume_ordered_increasingly: rs = sorted(filter_nonempty(rs), key=lambda x: x.start) left = None for right in rs: if left is not None and overlap(left, right): return False left = right return True
[docs]def covering_all(rs, construct=range): """ Return the smallest covering range for the ranges in range iterable *rs*. Return a normalized result, where the normalized object is constructed using *construct*. """ l_c = None m_c = None for s in rs: s1 = normalize(s) if s1 is not None: if l_c is not None: l, m = s1.start, s1.stop l_c = min(l_c, l) m_c = max(m_c, m) else: l_c, m_c = s1.start, s1.stop if l_c is None: return None return construct(l_c, m_c)
[docs]def contains(r1, r2): """ Check inclusion of two ranges. Return whether range *r1* contains range *r2*. """ n1 = normalize(r1) n2 = normalize(r2) if n2 is None: return True if n1 is None: return False # n2 is not None return n1.start <= n2.start and n2.stop <= n1.stop
[docs]def filter_contained(rs, r, do_normalize=False, construct=range, with_position=False): """ Filter for ranges contained in a given range. Yield those ranges from range iterable *rs*, which are contained in range *r*. If *do_normalize* evaluates to True, then do not return the original items from *rs*, but instead normalized range objects constructed using *construct*. If *with_position* evalues to True, then yield 2-tuples consisting of an :py:obj:`int` indicating the position of a matching range within *rs* and the range itself. """ for pos, r1 in enumerate(rs): if contains(r, r1): if with_position: yield pos, (normalize(r1, construct=construct) if do_normalize else r1) else: yield (normalize(r1, construct=construct) if do_normalize else r1)
[docs]def is_covered_by(rs, r): """ Check inclusion of ranges in a given range. Return whether range *r* covers all ranges from range iterable *rs*. """ cov = covering_all(rs) return contains(r, cov)
[docs]def symmetric_difference(r1, r2, construct=range): """ Symmetric difference of two ranges. Return the symmetric difference between range *r1* and range *r2* as two range-like objects (constructed using *construct*, and possibly None), where the first corresponds to a subset or *r1* and the second corresponds to a subset or *r2* Instead of ranges, *r1* and *r2* can also be range-like objects. Note: The resulting range-like objects correspond to disjunct sets of integers, but they need not be ordered, if *r1* and *r2* are not. """ n1 = normalize(r1, construct=construct) n2 = normalize(r2, construct=construct) if n1 is None: return None, n2 if n2 is None: return n1, None l1, m1 = n1.start, n1.stop l2, m2 = n2.start, n2.stop if m1 <= l2: return n1, n2 if m2 <= l1: return n1, n2 if l2 < m1: return (construct(l1, l2) if l1 < l2 else None, construct(m1, m2) if m1 < m2 else None) else: # l1 < m2 return (construct(m2, m1) if m2 < m1 else None, construct(l2, l1) if l2 < l1 else None)
[docs]def intermediate(r1, r2, construct=range, assume_ordered=False): """ Intermediate of two ranges. Return the range inbetween range *r1* and range *r2*, or None if they overlap or if at least one of them corresponds to an empty set. Return a normalized range object constructed using *construct*. """ n1 = normalize(r1) n2 = normalize(r2) if n1 is None: return None if n2 is None: return None l1, m1 = n1.start, n1.stop l2, m2 = n2.start, n2.stop if m1 < l2: return construct(m1, l2) if not assume_ordered and m2 < l1: return construct(m2, l1) return None
[docs]def sort_by_start(rs): """ Sorted list of ranges. Return a list of (unmodified) ranges obtained from range iterable *rs*, sorted by their start values, and omitting empty ranges. """ rs = [s for s in rs if normalize(s) is not None] return sorted(rs, key=lambda x: x.start)
[docs]def gaps(rs, construct=range, assume_ordered=False): """ Find gaps between ranges. Yield the gaps between the ranges from range iterable *rs*, i.e., the maximal ranges without overlap with any of the ranges, but within the covering range. Yield normalized, non-empty range objects constructed using *construct*. """ if not assume_ordered: rs = sort_by_start(rs) l = None # last seen lower end m = None # maximum of upper end within the set of ranges with lower end l for r_next in rs: r_next = normalize(r_next) if r_next is not None: # print((l, m), r_next) if l is not None: im = intermediate(range(l, m), r_next, construct=construct) if im is not None: yield im l1, m1 = r_next.start, r_next.stop if l == l1: m = max(m, m1) else: l = l1 m = m1 else: l, m = r_next.start, r_next.stop
[docs]def is_partition_of(rs, construct=range, assume_ordered=False): """ Check if ranges are a partition. Return the covering range of the ranges from range iterable *rs*, if they have no gaps; else return None. The covering range is constructed using *construct*. """ for s in gaps(rs, assume_ordered=assume_ordered): if s is not None: return None return covering_all(rs, construct=construct)
[docs]def difference(r1, r2, construct=range): """ Difference of two ranges. Return two ranges resulting when the integers from range *r2* are removed from range *r1*. Return two ranges: the first being the part below *r2* and the second the one above *r2*. They may both be None. In the special case where *r2* after normalization equals None, return (r1, None) (i.e., take the difference to be the lower part). The range-like objects are constructed using *construct*. """ n1 = normalize(r1) n2 = normalize(r2) if n1 is None: return None, None if n2 is None: return r1, None m1, l1 = r1.start, r1.stop m2, l2 = r2.start, r2.stop if m1 < m2: below = construct(m1, min(l1, m2)) else: below = None if l2 < l1: above = construct(max(m1, l2), l1) else: above = None return below, above
[docs]def normalize_multi(rs, construct=range, assume_ordered_increasingly=False): """ Return a *normalized* multirange from the given range iterable *rs*. Overlapping or adjacent ranges are merged into one, and the ranges are ordered increasingly. Yield normalized ranges. Don't yield None. """ if not assume_ordered_increasingly: rs = sorted(filter_nonempty(rs), key=lambda x: x.start) l = None # last seen lower end of the range to be emitted m = None # upper end of the current group of overlapping ranges last = None # last seen range for r_next in filter_nonempty(rs): if l is not None: l1, m1 = r_next.start, r_next.stop if l1 > m: yield construct(l, m) l, m = l1, m1 # for the next iteration last = r_next # if there is no next iteration else: m = max(m, m1) # for the next iteration last = construct(l, m) # if there is no next iteration else: l, m = r_next.start, r_next.stop last = construct(l, m) if last is not None: yield last
[docs]def difference_one_multi(r, mr, construct=range): """ Subtract multirange *mr* from range *r*, resulting in a multirange. The range-like objects generated by this function are constructed using *construct*. """ n = normalize(r) if n is None: return l = n.start m = n.stop i = l for r1 in mr: if r1.start <= l: i = max(l, r1.stop) continue if r1.start >= m: yield construct(i, m) return yield construct(i, r1.start) i = r1.stop if i < m: yield construct(i, m)
[docs]def multi_intersection(mr1, mr2, construct=range): """ Intersection of two multiranges. Return a multirange consisting of range-like objects which are intersections of the ranges in multirange *mr1* and multirange *mr2*. More precisely, the resulting multirange corresponds to the set of integers which is the intersection of the sets of integers corresponding to *mr1* and *mr2*. The range-like objects generated by this function are constructed using *construct*. (Note: They are newly constructed, even if items from *mr1* or *mr2* have the required values for the *start* and *stop* attributes.) """ it1 = iter(mr1) it2 = iter(mr2) try: r1 = next(it1) i1 = r1.start f1 = r1.stop r2 = next(it2) i2 = r2.start f2 = r2.stop except StopIteration: return while True: if f1 <= i2: try: r1 = next(it1) i1 = r1.start f1 = r1.stop except StopIteration: return elif f2 <= i1: try: r2 = next(it2) i2 = r2.start f2 = r2.stop except StopIteration: return else: i_c = max(i1, i2) f_c = min(f1, f2) yield construct(i_c, f_c) if f2 < f1: try: r2 = next(it2) i2 = r2.start f2 = r2.stop except StopIteration: return else: try: r1 = next(it1) i1 = r1.start f1 = r1.stop except StopIteration: return
[docs]def multi_union(mr1, mr2, construct=range): """ Union of two multiranges. Return a multirange consisting of range-like objects which are unions of the ranges in multirange *mr1* and multirange *mr2* More precisely, the resulting multirange corresponds to the set of integers which is the union of the sets of integers corresponding to *mr1* and *mr2*. The range-like objects generated by this function are constructed using *construct*. (Note: They are newly constructed, even if items from *mr1* or *mr2* have the required values for the *start* and *stop* attributes.) """ it1 = iter(mr1) it2 = iter(mr2) r1 = r2 = None i = None while True: # at this point a) if i is None, both r1, r2 are None, and all results # from ranges found so far have been yielded, or b) if i is not None, # one or r1, r2 is not None (say r1) and the other is None, and the # ranges encountered so far have been processed, but a range (i, f) # has not been yieleded yet, because it might be continued by the next # found range(s) (in an alternating 1-2-sequence) if r1 is None: # get range from mr1 or finish with ranges from mr2 try: r1 = next(it1) i1 = r1.start f1 = r1.stop except StopIteration: if i is not None: # result from last loop iteration yield construct(i, f) while True: try: r2 = next(it2) yield construct(r2.start, r2.stop) except StopIteration: return if r2 is None: # get range mr2 or finish with r1 and the remaining ranges from mr1 try: r2 = next(it2) i2 = r2.start f2 = r2.stop except StopIteration: if i is not None: # result from last loop iteration yield construct(i, f) else: # next(it1) above was executed and had a result yield construct(r1.start, r1.stop) while True: try: r1 = next(it1) yield construct(r1.start, r1.stop) except StopIteration: return if i is None: # no continuity: start a new result range i = min(i1, i2) if f1 < i2: # no continuity: yield one, memorize the other in (i, f) yield construct(i, f1) r1 = None i = i2 f = f2 elif f2 < i1: # no continuity: yield one, memorize the other in (i, f) yield construct(i, f2) r2 = None i = i1 f = f1 else: f = max(f1, f2) if f1 == f2: # both ranges end: no continuity, clear r1 and r2 yield construct(i, f) r1 = r2 = None i = None elif f1 < f2: f = f2 r1 = None else: # f2 < f1 f = f1 r2 = None